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Main » 2013 » November » 4 » 'Real Housewives of Atlanta': Porsha suggests Kordell Stewart is gay
3:40 PM
'Real Housewives of Atlanta': Porsha suggests Kordell Stewart is gay
'Real Housewives of Atlanta': Porsha suggests Kordell Stewart is gay

"The Real Housewives of Atlanta" is back, and amazingly, so is the entire cast. Given that Porsha's husband Kordell seemed to have a game plan in place to dump her long before she became aware of it (heck, she found out they were getting divorced via Twitter), you'd think he would have petitioned long and hard for her not to come back for a second season while he still had a say in the matter. But I wonder if he thought Porsha would just meekly accept being kicked to the curb. Gosh, she'd never air their dirty laundry on national television, would she? Hahahahahaha!


Their impending divorce is the core of the season premiere, and it's actually pretty unnerving to watch this real life (as opposed to mostly scripted) moment unfold. Porsha has been humiliated, yes, but when she meets with her lawyer she suggests he present Kordell with a list of terms he would need to meet for her to consider staying in the marriage. Granted, when a guy announces your divorce to the world before he mentions it to you, I would think that he's not particularly interested in agreeing to your "terms," unless those include moving your shoe collection out of his house sooner rather than later. It's only when Porsha goes to visit her mom that the claws pop out.

Mom mentions that, even though Porsha was in the hospital for a week after her miscarriage, Kordell only visited her once, which convinced her her little girl's husband had something seriously wrong with him. Damning, but hey, we knew he was a jerk last season. Then, she comes thisclose to calling Kordell gay, and Porsha has no problem fleshing out her inference. I'm sure Kordell is probably filing his lawsuit right now, but it's still shocking that this is happening. I have to think Porsha feels very confident that she has something over Kordell that will make him think twice about suing, though...

Anyway, she had heard rumors from family members that Kordell was gay before she married him, but he assured her otherwise (FYI, Porsha? If you have to ask, that's a red flag in and of itself). It was only later that she felt there were signs indicating there was truth to the rumors. Porsha is very careful not to go into detail, but I'm guessing it's only a matter of time (unless he works nondisclosure terms into their divorce settlement). Man, did this show get real all of a sudden or what?

The serious nature of Porsha's storyline makes some of the others seem a little frivolous, namely Kenya's determination to pick a fight with NeNe. The backstory is that NeNe invited the evil warlock Walter (okay, that's just how Kenya sees him -- everyone else seems to like him fine) to her wedding. Kenya deals with this by refusing to RSVP to the wedding and then complaining to everyone that none of her friends checked in on her when she was "unfairly" evicted from her house. She's "Gone With the Wind" fabulous -- she doesn't have to pay rent or anything silly like that!

NeNe is not interested in apologizing for not being a loyal friend or for letting her husband invite one of his friends to their wedding. Because of this, Kenya must make this increasingly crazy conversation escalate into a screaming fight. Worst of all, this all has to happen at poor Cynthia's opening party for the new location of her modeling agency. NeNe tries to escape Kenya, but she's clearly wearing cripplingly high heels, so all she can do is slowly toddle around while Kenya pulls on her head. I realize Kenya's purpose on the show is to bring the lunatic drama, but really, I'd be fine with a slower ramp-up into the season. Maybe just some twirling and light swearing?

As for our other Housewives, we can see problems brewing but they're on a slow boil. While at first it seems as if Cynthia's agency is going out of business, we soon learn she's moving into a new space in a building bought by her husband Peter. This might actually be worse, because even though her money was used for the purchase, Peter only told her about this after the fact. I keep waiting for things to implode between Peter and Cynthia or for them to go broke, and right now it looks like the latter is in the pipeline. Another day, another Housewife filing for bankruptcy protection! Speaking of which, bet Teresa and Joe of  "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" are really wishing NeNe hadn't opened their Hermes plate wedding gift on TV.

As for Kandi, she's pumping the brakes on her wedding to Todd. For some reason her mom thinks Todd is up to no good, which could be true but is disappointing nonetheless. Kandi is the sane center of this show, and while her life has to be spun into chaos every once in a while to keep her in the mix, I'd have preferred her storyline just focus on arguing about wedding colors and whether or not to give people Jordan almonds at the reception. God knows everyone else (especially Porsha) has enough going on this season.

As for Phaedra and Apollo, neither one of them is sleeping because of baby Dylan (aka Mr. President), they just bought a fabulous new house in the Buckhead area of Atlanta, and I'm pretty sure they're headed for divorce if the promo for the season holds true. Next thing you'll know, Phaedra and Porsha are going to be bonding over best line items for divorce settlements and whether or not to sell the rings. Hey, it could happen.

Category: TOP NEWS | Views: 440 | Added by: Admin | Tags: TOP NEWS, ACTOR NEWS, HOLLYWOOD NEWS, CELEBRITY NEWS | Rating: 0.0/0
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