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Main » 2013»November»6 » Helena Christensen, 44, Looks Half Her Age in a Sexy Bikini—See the Pic!
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Helena Christensen, 44, Looks Half Her Age in a Sexy Bikini—See the Pic!
Helena Christensen, 44, Looks Half Her Age in a Sexy Bikini—See the Pic!
Looking good, Helena Christensen!
The 44-year-old supermodel is proving she's still got it.
Sporting a dark blue bandeau bikini, the gal graciously took to the sand and surf of Miami Beach to show off her fabulous figure on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
The former Victoria's Secret Angel, who has been doing fashion photography for the past several years, was seen snapping some pics, reportedly of niece Sarah Sophie Sonne.
Christensen made headlines last year when she lashed out at folks who thought it was OK to talk negatively about Kim Kardashian while she was pregnant with daughter North.
"It is disgusting and despicable the way that certain media constantly harass the pregnant Kim Kardashian," she wrote in an open letter posted on The Huffington Post. "It's enough that they persistently project a negative focus on women's physical shapes; but a public bullying and attacking of a pregnant woman because of her growing shape is just lower than low."
Christensen added, "Whatever else the tabloid-media feel a sick need to spew out of their venomous bowels, let that be their lame choice. But there should be some moral compass...A pregnant woman should not be criticized for her shape, period!!"