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«  April 2011  »

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Main » 2011 » April » 18
Synopsis: Spanning from the 1970's to early 1990's, this is the story of the Manchester music scene... Tony Wilson is an ambitious but frustrated local TV news reporter looking for a way to make his mark. After witnessing a life-changing concert by an unknown band called the Sex Pistols, he persuades his station to televise one of their performances, and soon Manchester's punk groups are clamoring for him to manage them. Riding the wave of a musical revolution, Wilson and his friends create the legendary Factory Records and the Hacienda Club, and bands like Joy Division, New Order, and the Happy Mondays emerge to change the industry forever.
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Category: MOVIES COMEDY | Views: 509 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Synopsis: It is 1987 and Jenna is a 13-year-old girl on the brink of womanhood. The problem is that adulthood is just not arriving fast enough. She's suffocated by her dorky parents, ignored by the hip kids in school--and the cute guy she has a crush on barely knows her name. No longer content to spend time only with her best friend and neighbor, Matt Flamhaff, Jenna invites the cool kids to her 13th birthday party. But the party is a disaster. Jenna is humiliated when she's locked in the closet for a game of "Seven Minutes in Heaven" and everyone deserts her.Alone in the closet, Jenna makes an earnest wish. If only she could be all grown up, she'd have the life she's always wanted. Miraculously, her wish comes true. The next day, when Jenna emerges from the closet, it's 2004 and she's 30 years old. What's more, she is a gorgeous successful ... Read more »
Category: MOVIES COMEDY | Views: 497 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Synopsis: Released from prison on good behavior after swearing that she will have nothing to do with fur again, Cruella De Vil cannot keep this promise and is soon plotting another "FUR-OCIOUS" scheme to get her ultimate Dalmatian coat. Again eager to obtain her fur at any cost, the adventures begin when Cruella and the dogs romp through Paris.
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Category: MOVIES COMEDY | Views: 445 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Synopsis: Bianca Stratford is pretty and popular, but her strict family won't allow her to date until her older sister does: the problem is that sister Kat is an outsider who tries to alienate any guy who might be interested in her. So Bianca's would-be boyfriend bribes fellow outsider Patrick to ask out Kat, thinking that this sullen young man with a mysterious past might tempt Kat to rise to the challenge.
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Category: MOVIES COMEDY | Views: 441 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Two strangers, whose paths are always crossing, finally meet when fate steps in.
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Category: MOVIES COMEDY | Views: 543 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Synopsis: A piglet won by Farmer Hoggett as a raffle prize is raised by Fly, the matriarch sheepdog, as one of her own. His owner senses something special in Babe and makes sure he learns sheep herding along with his new brothers. Babe proves so adept, in fact, that Farmer Hoggett enters him in the world sheepdog championship.
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Category: MOVIES ART/FOREIGN | Views: 712 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Synopsis: What does it mean to age gracefully? For 75-year-old Frantisek "Fanda” Hána, it means something other than what most other elderly people do. Fanda has no intention of giving in to the loneliness, despair and indignities of a typical retirement. Fanda never bends from his feisty personal philosophy, despite a barrage of constant badgering from his wife, Emílie, who continually tells him he needs to start taking life seriously. Unlike her husband, Emílie is careening towards the end of her life, driven by an obsession with saving enough money to pay for her meticulously-planned funeral and burial arrangements.In defiance of such fatalistic practicality, Fanda spends much of his time with his friend, Eda, to keep engaged with life to the fullest.
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Category: MOVIES ART/FOREIGN | Views: 598 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Leonardo, the long time partner of Charlotte, a world renowned concert pianist, has just passed away. Because of Leonardo's passing, Charlotte's daughter, Eva, formerly a journalist, has invited her mother for an extended stay at the country home where she lives with her minister husband Viktor. Despite not having seen Eva in seven years as Charlotte is absorbed solely in her own life, Charlotte agrees. Upon arrival at the parsonage, Charlotte learns that her other daughter, Helena, is now living there with Eva as well. Helena, who is mentally disabled, used to be institutionalized until Eva decided to look after her herself starting two years ago. In some respects, Eva taking care of Helena replaces taking care of her son Erik, who accidentally drowned when he was four. Eva takes solace in believing that Erik is still a major part of her life despite his death. Charlotte also has not seen Helena in quite some time, and Eva surmis ... Read more »
Category: MOVIES ART/FOREIGN | Views: 738 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Synopsis: Bursting with imagination and having seen her share of tragedy and fantasy, Amelie is not like the other girls. When she grows up she becomes a waitress in a Montmartre bar run by a former dancer. Amelie enjoys simple pleasures until she discovers that her goal in life is to help others. To that end, she invents all sorts of tricks that allow her to intervene incognito into other people's lives, including an imbibing concierge and her hypochondriac neighbor. But Amelie's most difficult case turns out to be Nino Quicampoix, a lonely sex shop employee who collects photos abandoned at coin-operated photobooths.
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Category: MOVIES ART/FOREIGN | Views: 664 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

Synopsis: Manuela, a nurse and single mother in her late thirties, must come to terms with the tragic loss of her only son, Esteban, when he is struck by a car. She never told Esteban who he was, "your father died long before you were born" was all she ever told him. In memory of her son -- who's his father's namesake -- Manuela leaves Madrid and goes to Barcelona in search of Esteban's father. However, the man that she left behind eighteen years earlier when she was pregnant is now a transvestite named Lola. The search for a man with that name cannot be simple. And indeed it isn't.
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Category: MOVIES ART/FOREIGN | Views: 650 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2011-04-18 | Comments (0)

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