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Main » 2013»November»27 » Tom Cruise "Never Abandoned" Daughter Suri Cruise, Attorney Says (celebrity news, news online)
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Tom Cruise "Never Abandoned" Daughter Suri Cruise, Attorney Says (celebrity news, news online)
Tom Cruise "Never Abandoned" Daughter Suri Cruise, Attorney Says
Tom Cruise's legal fight continues.
The 51-year-old actor's attorneys were back in court this morning asking the judge to help them lay out the framework for their $50 million defamation case against publisher Bauer Media over their In Touch Weekly and Life & Style stories in July and October of 2012 that claimed the star had "abandoned" daughter Suri Cruise and chosen Scientology following his split from the child's mother, Katie Holmes.
"He never abandoned her [Suri]," one of Cruise's attorneys, Bert Fields, tells E! News. "After the divorce, he talked to her every day and sometimes twice a day because he was very concerned."
While Fields would not reveal Suri's holiday plans, he did say he expects Cruise to be "seeing her a lot," and added, "He loves his child."
After hearing arguments from both sides, Judge Jacqueline Chooljan ruled today that Cruise's team could not pursue questions against Bauer related to Nazis, however, they can ask the media company to address whether they have ever reported that Scientology was a cult banned in Germany.
His legal team was also able to persuade the judge that they needed Bauer attorneys to swear under oath that they had produced all sources and information pertaining to their choice of using the word "abandoned" used on their cover. They said they did not want to be surprised at trial.
Bauer attorney Elizabeth McNamara tells E! News she was grateful the court shut down what she called Cruise's legal team's "sideshow." She said, "Hopefully it [the entire case] will be dismissed."
However, Fields tells us that contrary to McNamara's belief, he thinks this case will go to trial and that ultimately the jury will award Cruise "enormous damages."