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Main » 2013»October»26 » Rack Report: Victoria Beckham's Boobs Have Never Looked Better!
8:54 AM
Rack Report: Victoria Beckham's Boobs Have Never Looked Better!
Rack Report: Victoria Beckham's Boobs Have Never Looked Better!
We've tried several more tactful ways to say this, but the fact is, Victoria Beckham's rack looks smokin' hot!
We cannot figure out if there's a push-up bra, sewn-in bustier or some kind of strange optical illusion involved, but whatever it is, it's working. The best part is that the black, sheer overlay keeps the extreme cleavage looking totally sophisticated.
It took us a while to notice the rest of this dress, but we were very pleased once we finally took a glance. Not only is the midi length sexier than a mini might be, but the shape manages to be skin-tight and still feel wearable. We're also huge fans of the high waist band against the intricate top...but that may just be because it's showcasing the brilliant construction of that top so well.
Bottom line: Victoria's next project should be a line for Victoria's Secret.