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Main » 2013»November»26 » Bitch Stole My Look! Lady Gaga vs. Britney Spears in Sequined Body Suits (celebrity news,news online)
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Bitch Stole My Look! Lady Gaga vs. Britney Spears in Sequined Body Suits (celebrity news,news online)
Bitch Stole My Look! Lady Gaga vs. Britney Spears in Sequined Body Suits
If Lady Gaga is such a fashion innovator, than why is she blatantly copying a look Britney Spears wore over a decade ago?
We doubt the "Dope" singer would dignify our question with a response, but as far as we can see, the styles are identical. Is the Mother Monster trying to maintain her fame during the "Work B**ch" singer's comeback? Or could she actually be making a fashion nod to the pop queen who came before her?
We doubt Gaga would say it's the latter, which means this awards show moment has to end in a who-wore-it-best battle.
One of the sexiest things about Britney's original one-piece is that the flesh tone bodysuit was truly skin-colored, making it look like the "Toxic" singer was wearing absolutely nothing underneath. Gaga's silvery-nude version can't boast that same wow-factor. That said, the "Applause" singer's take on the over-the-top look is more bedazzled than Brit can boast.
In this case we choose sexy over sparkly, and not only because it's Britney, b*tch. What's your take?