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Main » 2013»November»3 » Jennifer Love Hewitt‘s 'The Client List' cancelled after two seasons
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Jennifer Love Hewitt‘s 'The Client List' cancelled after two seasons
Jennifer Love Hewitt‘s 'The Client List' cancelled after two seasons
Time to update your little black book.
Jennifer Love Hewitt's Lifetime series "The Client List" has been officially cancelled after two seasons.
Despite a ratings dip in season 2, a Deadline reports says that the mutual decision was made due to ongoing creative disagreements between Love Hewitt, Lifetime and producer Sony TV.
The sides were allegedly unable to agree on third season storylines and the fact that Love Hewitt -- also an exec producer on the show -- wanted her fiance Brian Hallisay added to the cast.
Based on the 2010 Lifetime TV movie of the same name, "The Client List" centered on Riley (Love Hewitt), who takes a job at a spa only to discover that it serves as a front for a house of ill repute.
It debuted in April of 2011 and co-stars Colin Egglesfield, Loretta Devine and Cybil Shepherd.