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Main » 2013»November»8 » Kate Middleton Reveals She's Taken Flying Lessons, Rises Even Higher in Our Eyes
12:48 PM
Kate Middleton Reveals She's Taken Flying Lessons, Rises Even Higher in Our Eyes
Kate Middleton Reveals She's Taken Flying Lessons, Rises Even Higher in Our Eyes
As if we didn't already know how accomplished Kate Middleton is, it turns out that she can fly, too!
Well, not all by herself, but in an airplane.
While riding a Routemaster bus along with husband Prince William in honor of London Poppy Day and the Royal British Legion, the Duchess of Cambridge, whose late grandfather Peter Middleton was a Royal Air Force pilot, revealed that she has "had a few lessons on fixed wing."
We're surprised that Kate didn't just take a turn driving the bus as well!
Chatting aboard the retro ride with actress Barbara Windsor and newsreader Alastair Stewart, Kate said that their recently christened son, Prince George, had been "half asleep" when they departed from Kensington Palace.
"He's behaving himself," William added, according to the Daily Mail.
"It's very sociable," the royal later said about riding public transporation (something to chat about if he ever meets Jay Z), "although I supposed everyone's got their earphones in."
After disembarking at the High Street Kensington tube station, Will and Kate came upon a group of leather-wearing motorcycle riders and an interested-looking Duke of Cambridge told them, "I really want to go on the bikes!"
The excited bikers of course told him that he was welcome to take a spin with them anytime.