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Main » 2013»November»27 » Keanu Reeves: Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Part 3 Still In The Works (celebrity news, news online)
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Keanu Reeves: Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Part 3 Still In The Works (celebrity news, news online)
Keanu Reeves: Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Part 3 Still In The Works
San Dimas’ Wyld Stallyns may not be riding again anytime soon – but there’s still hope, according to Keanu Reeves.
While the actor confirmed there is a script for "Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Part 3,” it presently is too costly of an endeavor to shoot.
"It needs to be adapted because right now, it would cost $400 million to make,” Keanu told Access Hollywood guest correspondent Tim Vincent in Japan, where the actor was promoting his new film, "47 Ronin.”
While Bill and Ted previously brought various historical figures to their high school stage – like Genghis Khan and Napoleon — it sounds like the third installment would have an intergalactic flavor.
"There’s a rift in the universe and there’s all sorts of creatures,” Keanu said of things in the script that are currently making it cost prohibitive to make.
But they are still making an effort to reunite Keanu’s Ted with Alex Winter’s Bill.
"That would be surreal,” Keanu said of his feelings on a third installment. "The script is funny and there’s a story to tell there, so there are efforts being made to try and continue that journey.”
Keanu’s current film, "47 Ronin” opens in theaters on Christmas day.