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Main » 2013»November»6 » Kristen Bell Worried She Wouldn't Love Daughter Lincoln as Much as Her Dogs
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Kristen Bell Worried She Wouldn't Love Daughter Lincoln as Much as Her Dogs
Kristen Bell Worried She Wouldn't Love Daughter Lincoln as Much as Her Dogs
It looks like Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard's baby daughter Lincoln had a bit of competition prior to entering the world.
"I kept saying to [Dax] in all sincerity during my pregnancy, 'I just don't know how I'm going to like her as much as I like my dogs,'" Bell told Flare magazine. "I was being serious. Because I f--king love my dogs; they are my children."
In fact, the 33-year-old actress admitted, "I love people the more I know them, and I didn't know her. It could've been a water bottle in my belly, that's about how connected I felt to her during my pregnancy.
Sure enough, the Veronica Mars star's concerns quickly disappeared once her bundle of joy was born in March.
"Within about 24 hours after she came out, my hormones reset, and they reprogrammed and my feelings about her," she said.
Last month, Bell and Shepard tied the knot in an impromptu ceremony at the Beverly Hills City Clerk's Office and the newlywed shared with Flare her secret to a strong marriage.
"Our main rule is: Check your ego at the door, and be aware of when the other person is spinning out," Bell said. "As artists, everything is vanity -- and narcissism -- driven: my career, the strategy behind it, the next level I want to hit, my photo shoot, how I was in my acting scene, my premiere. So we try to do a really good job of being human beings in the rest of our life."