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Main » 2013»November»23 » The Crazy and Sometimes Confusing Evolution of Miley Cyrus (celebrity news, news online)
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The Crazy and Sometimes Confusing Evolution of Miley Cyrus (celebrity news, news online)
The Crazy and Sometimes Confusing Evolution of Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus may only be turning 21 on Saturday, but she has packed quite the career into that short amount of years. Miley first burst onto the scene in 2006 when she was only 13 and landed the role of a lifetime in Disney Channel's hit show Hannah Montana. Since then, Miley has had her career ups and downs, including twerking on stage at the MTV VMAs and lighting up a joint at the MTV EMAs this year, but she managed to come out of the child-star machine as a bona fide pop star. Keep clicking to see how Miley has evolved throughout her career.