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Main » 2013»November»23 » This Week's Can't-Miss Shots! (celebrity news, news online)
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This Week's Can't-Miss Shots! (celebrity news, news online)
This Week's Can't-Miss Shots!
As temperatures drop, some of our favorite stars escaped to warmer climates and scored some sought-after sun this week. A pregnant Emily Blunt enjoyed a beach day with John Krasinski and Bradley Cooper in Hawaii, and Katy Perry slipped into a bikini for her morning coffee on a Miami balcony. Meanwhile, Kate Middleton paid it forward for one of her favorite nonprofits, and Jennifer Lawrence and Kim Kardashian made headlines with their supersheer fashion choices. On the couples front, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie stepped out for a glamorous night, and Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner ignited speculation about a potential romance. Enjoy all that and more with this week's can't-miss shots!