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Main » 2013»October»26 » Whoops! James Taylor Sings "America the Beautiful" Instead of the National Anthem at World Series
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Whoops! James Taylor Sings "America the Beautiful" Instead of the National Anthem at World Series
Whoops! James Taylor Sings "America the Beautiful" Instead of the National Anthem at World Series
James Taylor made a teensy little error in front of millions of people Thursday night. No big deal!
The "Fire And Rain" crooner began singing the words to "America the Beautiful" during the pregame ceremony at Game 2 of the World Series.
But like a true professional, he managed to seamlessly segue into the national anthem after the first line of the song.
And despite saving himself merely seconds after making the flub, game goers and viewers still roasted Taylor for having made the mistake in the first place.
But let's not be so hard on the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee, it's not like he's the only celeb that's encountered a singing snafu at a baseball game.
Singers usually have issues with the lyrics, however, and not the entire song in general.
Take Christina Aguilera for instance…
In 2011, she forgot the words to "The Star Spangled Banner" at the Super Bowl. Yikes!
But not to worry, everyone from Keri Hilson to Luke Bryan has also been known to run into a few hurdles while performing the ballad.